
Heidi Mikulin’s Devotions

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Heidi's Recent Devotions

Heidi is a new addition to St. Paul’s but she has been very active.  She has a heart to serve the Lord through her work at the Midnight Mission in Downtown Los Angeles.  She is also a write and as part of her spiritual practice, she writes devotional prayer each day.  Here are some of the prayers that I have received.  They inspired and touched me.   PK

April 15, 2020

My dearest child,
You need to tell the world what I’ve done in your life. Tell them how you were driven by fear but now are motivated by faith. Let them hear the stories of how I renewed your mind to not see a glass half full, but instead see a glass I can continue to fill so you can pour out for others. Let them know of the joy that replaced the continual unease and of the hope that drove out despair. People need to hear your story of redemption so they too can tell their own story of reconciliation with me.

April 14, 2020

My dearest child,

I have set you apart. I have pulled you from the darkness and into my light. I have redeemed you and clothed you in my love. Out of my love, your heart will display acts of kindness and compassion. You will forgive as I have forgiven you and show the patience I’ve shown to you. Your actions will reflect the thankfulness abiding in your heart.

April 13, 2020

My dearest child,
I have made known the ways of life. These extraordinary ways are not a theory, but they need to be lived out in each ordinary day. They are principles rooted in my love. Each day gives you an opportunity to step out in faith and to love as I have loved, to be kind when the world is harsh, and to show compassion when others are judging. I give you chances throughout the day to let my power be demonstrated through you. Look for these divine moments today.

April 11, 2020

Heidi Mikulin
Sat, Apr 11, 12:37 PM (5 days ago)
to me

My dearest child,

On the days in between despair and hope, know I am with you. It’s the in between days, where what you thought was to be is no longer and you can’t imagine what’s to come, that you need me the most. Lean into me. My greatest desire is for you to trust me in the moment. I will not leave you on those in between days; I am with you all the days of your life.

April 10, 2020 - Good Friday

My dearest child,
Today, around the world, people are remembering my death on the cross. To those who were there, the hope they had in me died. It was a dark day because they couldn’t see what was to come. You can fall into the same trap today. Rarely do I show you what’s going to happen next, but you can rest assured I have your best in mind for what’s to come. Instead of worrying about the unknown, embrace me in the moment. It may seem dark right now, but light is coming. Mourning will last for the night, and joy will come in the morning.
Author: stpaulsrborg

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