Beloved, may we all take a deep breath and welcome God’s presence in our lives. I realize that it has been difficult to take a deep breath with all the ash from the fires, but as I pray for a good rain this week, my hope is renewed as the fires are put to sleep. Like many of you, I cringe to watch or hear the news, local or worldwide. Most of us are weary from bad news. From the craziness of politics to catastrophic destruction to airplane crashes, yes Lord, we are weary. I have and always will believe that from every crisis comes opportunity. An opportunity to find God in turbulent times. In every burned-out home and every broken heart lies opportunity. God is with us.
This is Black History Month. Each week we want to recognize people, events and our reliance on all people to live out God’s grace. Some people ask why we celebrate Black History Month. Because it is all of our history. All of us are a part of history, both good and bad. And by embracing our history, we hopefully learn to recognize the differences as well as all that we have in common with each other. When we do that, we can all climb to the mountaintop together hand in hand. When we rise to that mountaintop, God will greet us not for the color of our skin, but the character of our souls.
Things to think about and plan for……
You might notice our new creative corner in Stevens Hall. Art supplies and lots of fun for after church awaits your creativity.
Please don’t be like me and forget Valentines Day, February 14th.
Also, look forward to Sunday Feb. 16th for a special service of Bluegrass music hymns and verse. It should be lots of fun.
We plan to join our South Bay Methodist Churches for an Ash Wednesday service at El Segundo UMC on March 5th. All are welcome and a joint choir will sing as we receive the imposition of ashes.
Also, Holy Week will start with our Maundy Service on Thursday evening, the 17th of April, followed by Good Friday Service on the 18th. And then the Resurrection in Easter Sunday the 20th.
Music is being planned and decorating the church will need volunteers for so stay in touch and be a part of the opportunity to serve God.
May we all find each other in the days and weeks ahead. May we all find peace and love for all people in the abyss of our lives. We grow together and heal together. We suffer alone. Reach out to your fellow man and lift one another towards God.
Blessings, Pastor John
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