Blessings to all! I pray that all of you find peace and the love of Christ every moment of your lives. May we seek out God in all that we do and all that we meet.
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. We will gather at El Segundo UMC at 7:00 tomorrow for a community service of verse and hymn. Ashes will be available.
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, the season of 40 days leading us to the resurrection of Christ. The season of Lent is a time of deep reflection and sacrifice for us Christians. We practice forms of suffering and sacrifice to remember what Jesus did for all of humanity. Some take the opportunity to “give something up” or others demonstrate service to others as our means of sacrifice for God. I encourage all of you to reflect and pray for all that we are blessed with in community with each other.
As this period of time in our church calendar requires a devotion of grace, may we all reflect on the gift of peace. With all the chaos in our world these past weeks, remembering the sacrifices of Christ for us would be appropriate and needed. As we lament the anger and vitriol in our world, we seek peace, grace and love for all people. We always find those gifts in Christ. False idols and false prophets only lead us into dismay. Jesus calms the storm and comforts the nations always.
Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent bring us into the Holiest days of the calendar. We are preparing services for the coming Holy week. As we prepare the church, I ask of you to prepare ourselves in heart and mind as well. The theme in recent weeks has been centered on “listening”. By taking that extra few seconds in all that we do, we might just hear God in the conversation or the thought. May we all give ourselves that brief moment to seek God in everything. The season of Lent leads us closer in relationship with God as well as each other.
Pastor John
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