Notes From Pastor John

A Message of Welcome

Let me extend a warm and friendly welcome to everyone who stopped by to read this.  As I am now entering my 3rd year as Padre here at St Paul's United Methodist Church.  I'm truly honored to be a part of such a loving, caring group of very good people doing very good work.    Love & Blessings to All  -   Padre Juan

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An Advent Note from Pastor John - December 17, 2024

Buon Natale!! May this Advent season bring you Hope, Peace, Joy and Love! 

As we all prepare for the Christ child may we find the Love of one another every moment. Yes, this Sunday marks the fourth Sunday of Advent, and the gift of Love abides in us all. Above all else we are Loved by God always. And if we have been recipients of God’s Love, then we in turn should Love one another.  

This past week, we celebrated the gift of Joy. Boy did we celebrate! On Saturday over one hundred kids, young and old, visited Santa’s workshop, had lunch with Santa and received gifts provided by many of you. Many of these kids may have received much less, but by the Joy and Love of St. Paul’s ministry, Project Needs, happy smiles were abundant. Spreading Joy to children, what a gift! Santa Ho, Ho, Hoed his way through the afternoon blessed by a troupe of elves dedicated to bringing Joy to all. THANK YOU!! 

As Santa asked the kids what they wanted for Christmas, a couple were particularly noteworthy. Three youngsters slipped Santa notes of their requests trying to avoid a watchful parent. When Santa got home, he found the lists and got to work with the elves to fulfill their wishes. A young lady asked for a puppy. A wary father looked at Santa, but Santa let her know that his people would call Dad’s people, declaring it is good to know people. And one young lady said it all when asked what she wanted for Christmas. She simply said, Serenity. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful gift for all of us. Thank you!! 

On Sunday we celebrated Advent with our Christmas Cantata. WOW!! Wonderful music, young voices and incredible leadership guided a near full house to the Joy of Christmas. I cannot thank all of you enough for your participation, your presence and yes, your Joy! Thank you, Diane and Dolly! Thank you, Dan! Thank you, Nancy! Thank you, Steve! And Thank You to all of you!! Music is alive and well at St. Paul’s UMC!! 

Please be here this Sunday as we live into the gift of Love and also be here on Christmas Eve at 8:00 P.M. for our candlelight service. 

May you be blessed with the gifts of God and spread them to all you encounter!      

                                                                                                                                  Feliz Navidad,

                                                                                                                                                Pastor John